这食谱是从文力的美国叔叔,Uncle Sam的能煮太太,Fan那儿得来的。那一次刚抵达他们的New Jersey家时就尝到了泡芙,而且是一大盘的泡芙呈现在眼前。平时泡芙相当地贵,所以能吃到那么多是件非常幸福的事。
1 cup water
1/2 cup butter or margerine
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup all-purpose flour
4 eggs
vanilla instant pudding mix
confectioner's sugar
In saucepan, over medium heat, heat water, butter or margerine and salt until butter melts and mixture boils.
Remove from heat. Add flour all at once.
With wooden spoon, vigorously stir until the mixture forms ball and leaves side of pan. Preheat oven to 375°F (190.5°C).
This is the so-called-ball. XD Remove from heat and cool mixture slightly.
Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition, until mixture is smooth.
Silky smooth~ Drop batter, using a large spoon and pushing off with rubber spatula (instead, I used 2 spoon to push off), onto cookie sheet in 8 large mounds, 3 inches apart, swirling top of each (I didn't follow exactly what it said here 'cause I wanted to save sheets and greedy to bake more in one at a time, so I just put as much as I can on the cookie sheet).
The famous Jell-O from USA. They display in every supermarket in USA with full range variety of flavor. I always tempted to buy Jell-O chocolate pudding whenever I went for grocery shopping after work. However when it comes to the thinking of "Am I going to carry this all the way back while riding on a bike?", and I surrendered. Hence, I never get the chance to try Jello-O pudding. =( I should have bought it...
Anyhow, it took me quite some time to search for Jell-O in Malaysia. I thought they didn't sell it, but I manage to find it in Giant without any price tagging. Finally, the staff told me it was RM 4.50 per box (!!). So pricy..... Still, I have to buy them 'cause that's what the recipe said.
First batch are on its way... Smell sooooo GOOD!!! *sniff sniff*
Bake 50 minutes or until golden.
*da-da* They looked so adorable. (^^)
Remove cookie sheet from oven. With spoon holding hot puff in place, cut slit in side of each puff to allow steam to escape. Return puffs to oven. Bake 10 minutes or longer. Cool puffs on the wire rack.
To serve: Prepare pudding as label directions (I followed exactly what is written on the side of the Jell-O box, but it turned out bad and not sticky at all. Can someone tell me how to do it?). Slice off top of each puff shell, spoon in pudding, replace tops, sprinkle with confectioner's sugar.
Kinda dissapointed at the end. ='(