每个人都穿得很causal出席毕业典礼,完全不像咱们大学毕业时穿得正式。 |
他们在Observatory Park举行小型的餐聚,大家坐在草地上享受阳光谈天玩乐,很轻松的一天。 |
我是专程司机。 |
伤风的素音。 |
I-70. |
On the way passing Loveland Pass, CO. |
哈哈,这时什么情况? |
披挂着皑皑白雪的松林。 |
Colorado被誉为滑雪胜地。 |
Eisenhower Tunnel. |
看那横状的云层。 |
Such steep grade in this mountanious area. |
Silverthorne. |
The great views of towering mountains and winding creeks along I-70 from Frisco, CO onwards.
No Name at Glenwood Springs. |
素音的右眼好像给人打了一拳。 |
Passing New Castle, CO. The mountains now look different. |
Colorado River. |
Drove about 4 hours till sunset. |
Finally check-in at Rodeway Inn hotel, Grand Junction. |
Had our late dinner at Naggy McGee's Irish Pub. |