
Showing posts from July, 2011

Adele - Chasing Pavements

I've made up my mind Don't need to think it over if I'm wrong, I am right Don't need to look no further  This ain't lust, I know this is love    But, if I tell the world I'll never say enough 'cause it was not said to you And that's exactly what I need to do If I end up with you  Should I give up? Or should I just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place Should I leave it there? Should I give up? Or should I just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere  I build myself up and fly around in circles Waitin' as my heart drops And my back begins to tingle Finally, could this be it  Or should I give up? Or should I just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place Should I leave it there? Should I give up? Or should I just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere    Should I give up? Or should I just...


1.不要再相信这个世界上会有纯粹的爱情,一个只拥有爱情的女人是不会幸福的。 2.以婚姻为目的的恋爱,应该是理智的而不仅仅是浪漫,要充分考虑到对方的学识,家境,嗜好以及秉性。 3.条件是实实在在摆在眼前的,不是他梦想和允诺。不要以为一句承诺,就是永远。 4.金钱永远比男人更加安全和可靠,所以有份不错的工作并且可以生活得很滋润的女人不会轻易被抛弃和受到伤害。 5.不要等待比你小的男人,因为你已经25岁了,时间不会再等你。而且千万不要和比你穷的男人恋爱。 6.随缘,但不是说不努力。 7.酒吧里认识的男子就不必留电话了。 8.如果不幸你爱的男子有另一个女人,无论是老婆,未婚妻或女朋友,请不要动念头和她“见面谈一下”,没必要——即时走人! 9.永远不要问这个问题:“为什么不爱我”。 10.不要预先说出决心。 11.男人对自己的好色就象律师对罪犯:明知有罪也要辩护——你知道就是啦。 12.没有任何事,任何人会重要到需要你过了半夜12点还苦想不睡。 13.即使美若天仙,也要讲道理。 14.已结婚的前男友打电话来问最近好不好——说好。 15.过去,童话故事是以“很久很久以前……”开头的,现在,童话故事是以“如果我还没有结婚……”开头的,你已经过了听童话的年龄了。 16.获得智慧,需以青春为代价。 17.不要轻易借钱,不要透支,不要买超过自己实际能力的化妆品和衣物,经济负累很容易让女人憔悴。 18.每天睡前都要抽一点时间做皮肤护理,比如用牛奶和瓜果,不要轻易使用含太多化学药品的化妆品,否则会适得其反。 19.没人喜欢邋遢的女人,衣着打扮要大方得体,干净整洁。让人有如沐春风的感觉。 20.性感是由内而外散发出来的一种气质,与裸露多少没有多大关系,所以不要刻意暴露自己的身体。 21.要运动,要阅读,要听音乐,要有自己的减压方式。游泳,打球,弹琴和跳舞都是很不错的方式。 22.不要因为寂寞而谈恋爱,如果你谈了,那我只能很遗憾的告诉你,两个不相爱的人在一起,时间久了只会更寂寞。 23.爱情和友情是有严格的界限的,所以一定不要暧昧。没有男人愿意娶一个喜欢和各种男人打成一片的女人。 24.对待爱情要慎重,不要把一时的情动和喜欢当成是一辈子的幸福,真正的爱情应该是经得起考验的。 25.不要太在意一个男人的外表,要在意他的性格和处世方式,以及他遇到困难时的反应和对待周围人的态度。 26.一定要找那些...

Blue - Like A Friend

I never had anybody treat me quite like you do I love your honesty We met, we clicked, we shared a vibe that was true And it was plain to see, it was plain to see I did not want to face the truth You said you had a man And you were so in love with him and nobody else What do you do when someone don't love you They show you all their feelings like you're a friend Like you're a friend What do you say when things don't go your way And you're frozen in a picture like you're a friend Like you're a friend I don't want to be your friend, no way When I was trapped I was dependent on you And there was no escape I was a fool to think that I was the one I let you criticize everything I done, no no I did not want to face the truth You said you had a man And you were so in love with him and nobody else What do you do when someone don't love you They show you all their feelings like you're a friend Like you're a friend What do yo...