
Showing posts from November, 2013


Hang power snatch: 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 *increasing weight each time* Then 5 mins AMRAP OHS with 50% snatch 80 lbs I tried my best to do 85 lbs but just can't lift over my shoulder. I had 45 lbs for OHS.

D64: Mary

20 mins AMRAP: 5 HSPU (MOD: wall push ups) 10 one legged pistol squats (alternating) 15 pull ups (band) 8 + 10

D63: Stations

Stations (80 sec at each station for 18 mins [10 sec transition]): Tire flip jumps KB SDLHP (#35) Knees to elbows Sit ups 315 I got my chance to flip a heavy tire today (yeah). Hard part is jump in and out after flipping the tire. Rest 10 seconds and straight to kettle bell sumo squats. Arms are sore from yesterday and today.


1000m row Then: 5 rounds: 25 pull ups (ring) 7 push jerks (#75) 16:10 Ripped my right hand last week so did ring pull ups instead bar pull ups. It's amazing that I can lift 75 lbs weight with correct technique and Brandon said I can do 95 lbs (RX).