
Showing posts from May, 2014


Some previous posts' pictures had gone missing due to my adjustment of Google+ albums. Shocking and depressing. I was wonder if I want to restore all of them or just leave it. Latter is my choice. I'm sorry if reader can't relate my post with pictures. After all, I mostly tell story through picture. As you can see, this blog has been deserted for a period of time. I don't talk much about my au pair life after the extension of second year. The main reason is lazy (biggest enemy of all time). Also am getting used to the culture and lifestyle of American, don't feel like posting it anymore. update: I've restored all the pictures back. No problem viewing now. =)

I-THA-CA Weekend Trip

這是我和Suemi最後一次的旅行。 自上次和大夥去Washington D.C.旅行后,我深深贊同【旅行最能看出每個人的品性】這句話。我和她個性相近,平時相處或旅行都能和平相處,沒起衝突,是我最佳旅行同伴。 一早到美國Ivy League之一,在學術上具有卓越聲譽的Cornell University跑5.75 miles。最喜歡透過跑步旅行一邊體驗當地風情和感受在此就學大學生的生活步伐,一邊欣賞湖光山色及許多古早維多利亞式的校舍。 休息洗澡后,接著到Ithaca Farmers Market逛一逛買早點吃。 楓糖口味的棉花糖。 Pink dye-hammock. The lady behind me is making the hammock. Cuban sandwich and fried sweet plantains.  @ Buttermilk Falls State Park 雖然衹是0.65 miles,一開始完全是很陡的上坡步道。而且早上跑步的關係,雙脚特累,衹能走走停停地慢走。 40尺高的Pinnacle Rock獨自站立在山岩邊。 Having fun in the middle of West King Road 跟著Bear Trail走0.67 miles來到了Lake Treman。體力不支的我們選擇在這裏拍照留念,不繼續走Lake Trail。 @ Taughannock State Park 在歷史悠久的Purity ice-cream吃了完美的sundae恢復體力后,再次出發! 可以聞到海水般的咸味。 神奇的是人們可以走在15尺寬的河流里,被一旁高聳的峽谷包圍著。 在平坦的步道行走0.7 miles后就看見了高300尺,氣勢非凡的Taughannock Fall。它其實比著名的Niagara Fall高多33尺。 @ Cayuga Lake 和K...

River St, Forty Fort

每天载小孩上课都会经过River St。一转入这条街让人心宽的绿色映入眼里,带着雨后味道的微风打在脸上。春天好棒啊!