
Showing posts from August, 2014

Weekend Trip: Philadelphia

My wishlist this time was to visit Philadelphia Museum of Art. The famous Rocky Steps situated right in front of the main entrance. I might sprint up the stone stairs one day and raise my arms to the air only after I watch this classic movie. The admission fees of the museum is $20 for two consecutive days. It entitled you to visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Rodin Museum and Perelman Building. Each museum has so many art collections and I'm a little bit overwhelmed by that. Luckily Allen who studied art for his bachelor degree was by my side explained most of the famous drawings to me. One has the better and deeper understanding to have somebody explained the meaning, the structure behind the drawing. It was a fun and relax weekend trip with a bunch of friends.  Hi, Philly. Franz West Lips , 2012. How the colourful sculptures blend into the background. Boathouse Row. Corn of the day! Carolina was so excited to have Elote Mexica...

Rockport Access Area {Lehigh Gorge State Park} <-> Jim Thorpe

FEAST  YOUR  EYES! 先澄清,不是曝露狂! 他一時情急之下粗魯地下車,把褲襠間的接縫給弄爆了,變成裙子。 噢耶,我的男人~(昏) An active railroad line that is elevated above the trail by a stone wall. 星期天咱們到Lehigh Gorge State Park trail來個騎行之旅。這長達26英里的綫路穿越了4,500英畝的森林,一路上可以欣賞在Lehigh River上享受white water rafting的人群和已廢棄的鐵路。 我說這路程體力要求呢,衹要一般或好一點的人都適合。向南騎行是不明顯的下山,一段休閑放鬆的路程,衹要輕輕騎一下就好(也要努力一點啦),平均5-6分鐘每英里。往返回頭是上山,讓首次騎那麽遠的我感到疲憊,加上脚踏車TMD討人厭不舒服(買錯了!),第四個小時的騎行心情壞到極點和很火。氣到頂點還哭了起來,讓沒抱怨過一聲,堅持撐下去的曜倫花心思安慰埋怨不停兼壞脾氣的我。唉,我老公對我太好了吧~ 我們選擇以Rockport爲起點,出發到Jim Thorpe,一程近15英里。前5英里步道樹蔭遮成群,相當涼快。來到Penn Haven Junction三條火車軌道交匯處,接下來的15英里多是像圖上所展示般沒樹蔭遮蔽。 沿著路綫騎行到公路就知道抵達了Glen Onoko。附近有停車場設備,大多數的人來這裏登Glen Onoko Fall Trail、到河裏游泳或伐舟。當我們在那裏稍作休息吃午餐時,有一個不知死的年輕小夥子游過急流到對岸,像猴子般攀上岩壁。爬到一定的高度,一個轉身就跳躍進水裏。哦,看得我心驚膽跳!真不明白這些腎上腺素分泌度高的小子到底在想什麽。 Glen Onoko. We went discovered the abandoned "hole-in-the-wall" railroad tunnel. The hole is visible above the river level.  站在Nesquehoning Bridge上把河谷和遠方的Jim Thorpe收在...

Book A Ticket and Just Leave

source 四月尾的時候,AuPairCare已經幫我訂了回國的機票。07/08/2014,我應該拖著沉重的行李,在Philadelphia機場内等待登機。飛個20多小時我就可以見到許久不見的家人在吉隆坡候機廳内等待我的出現。 我可能會激動得流淚;我可能會投訴天氣怎麽那麽炎熱和潮濕;我可能會等不及吃到馬來西亞的美食;我一定會抱抱Abby和詠恩,這大姑從她們出生就不見蹤影了。 Perhaps, not. 太多太多的可能,而這些假設并沒有成真。 我在曜倫租的小房間内渡過這一天。 還是要説一聲:“再見了,我的au pair生涯。”