
Showing posts from March, 2015

you're the one who I'll hopefully be with

This quote comes from John Pavlovitz, a Christian pastor in North Carolina, who written this viral blog post "If I Have Gay Children: Four Promises From A Christian Pastor/Parent" . I love what he did and stand up for LGBT. Honestly for me, I don't care if a person is straight or gay. It's just the way they meant to be or they want to be. I don't understand why some religious people take it so serious and say being LGBT is a 'sin'. Open up your mind and heart. Get to know them before judging them. They deserve to be treated fairly and kind in this world.

Sunday Walk

在這個寒冷的冬天,我們極少帶Major出去走走。有時候我覺得它很可憐,差不多每天呆在家裏活動,最多早上和晚上的時間帶它出去大便,走一個十五,二十分鐘的路。 星期天的天氣看起來很陽光普照,但吹風蠻涼的。我還以爲Lackawanna State Park的湖已經融化了,誰知道還是有人在湖面上釣魚,融化的衹有湖邊緣和一些表層。 我們帶Major走在沒人的路徑,可以解開鏈鎖讓它自由奔跑。看到它那麽開心,我也覺得欣慰。哎,不是說養過就像養孩子一樣,讓人心疼。 很明顯是狗大便!哈哈! 時尚,時尚,最時尚。 瘋狂啃木頭。

Lemon Feta and Cream Cheese Pasta with Roasted Asparagus

星期五是春天的第一天,照理來説是春風來迎接我們,結果反而是一場雪。幸虧這場雪是濕的,不至於像氣象報道那樣説的三到五寸厚。 Asparagus(蘆筍)屬於春天的產品,已經可以在市場上看見它們的蹤影。吃蘆筍能把一絲春天的氣息帶進家嗎? 這個食譜亦算簡單料理,主要把cream cheese、heavy cream、milk、feta cheese煮融化后,和一和pasta和蘆筍就可以端上餐桌了。聽起來很重奶味,檸檬汁卻能令這cheesy的料理變得輕一點。 Ingredients 1 lb spaghetti 1 large bunch asparagus, ends trimmed 1 T olive oil salt and pepper, to taste 2 T unsalted butter 8 oz cream cheese 1 C heavy cream 2 C milk 8 oz feta cheese 1/4 C lemon juice pinch of crushed red pepper 1/4 C flat leaf parsley Directions To roast the asparagus Preheat oven to 400 degree. Place the trimmed asparagus on baking sheet and toss with 1 T olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until tender and crisp. Remove and chop into thirds. At the same time, cook spaghetti according to instructions. Heat a large pot over medium-high heat, add butter, cream cheese, milk, heavy cream, and feta cheese. Bring to a boil and simmer until smooth and creamy, about 5 minutes. Add the lem...

One Pot Cheeseburger Casserole

Yesterday I came home around 8.40 pm and was so cold. My hand and feet were freezing cold. Hey, isn't tomorrow suppose to be the first day of Spring? Then why do we still get snow? People in NEPA have enough of this miserable weather. Got the ground beef out from the fridge and I'm ready to cook.  Damn Delicious®  has a lot of simple yet delicious recipes. I found this recipe good for a busy weekday. Pasta and everything else cook in one pot for less than 30 minutes? Count me in! Who's ready for some cheesy, warm casserole for this winter? Ingredients 1 T olive oil 1 1/2 lbs ground beef 1 onion, diced salt and pepper to taste 28 oz diced tomatoes 8 oz tomato sauce 2 C chicken broth 1/4 C ketchup 2 t dijon mustard 1 lb rotini pasta 2 C shredded cheddar cheese 1 roma tomato 2 green onion, sliced Directions Heat olive oil in a large stockpot over medium high heat. Add ground beef and onion to cook until beef has browned, about 3 to 5 minutes. Make s...

Tomato Egg Mexican Pizza

I have no idea what's Mexican pizza would taste like. I used enchilada sauce, taco seasoning, and lots of hot sauce on the pizza. Does that make it Mexican way? This is a quick and easy lunch for Tuesday. Was suppose to top it with chicken but we had them yesterday with Korean instant noodles. Hence just a vegetarian style pizza. I love the runny egg yolk. Can't wait to take a bit when they just fresh out the oven. Beware, they're hot! The recipe makes 4 servings. 2 for me and 2 for the busy man. Ingredients  4 fajita tortillas 3 beefsteak tomatoes 3 green onions 4 T enchilada sauce 4 eggs hot sauce 4 t taco seasoning Mexican cheese Directions Preheat the oven to 400 degree. Dice tomatoes. Slice green onions. Set them aside. Place 2 tortillas on baking sheets. Pour enchilada sauce on top of each tortilla and spread around. Add the tomatoes on top of the sauce. Carefully crack an egg in the middle. Add some hot sauce, taco seasoning, and green onion...

Strawberry Breakfast Muffins

I always wanted to try this easy basic breakfast muffins. As long as you know the basic, you can always spice things up by adding banana chocolate chips, oatmeal raisin or cinnamon sugar to the batter.  I still have some strawberries left in the fridge. Might as well put them into the batter and bake a dozen of strawberry breakfast muffins. The muffins turned out to be nutty, light and not very sweet. Ingredients 2 C flour 1 T baking powder 1/4 C sugar 3/4 t salt 2 eggs 1 C milk 1/2 C canola oil 1 1/2 t vanilla extract 1 C strawberries rolled oatmeal Directions Preheat oven to 400 F. Line muffin cups with paper liners. In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. In a large bowl, beat eggs, milk, oil, and vanilla for 1 minute. Add flour mixture. Beat just until no streaks of flour remain - do not overmix! Stir strawberries into batter. Spoon batter into muffin cups. Sprinkle some oatmeal. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until tops of...


我的媽媽喜歡喝咖啡,卻怕喝了晚上睡不着。她的咖啡方程式是即溶咖啡加一湯匙的煉乳,或者半包方便包裝白咖啡。每次要嘗味道就喝一口媽媽泡的咖啡,口味偏淡,咖啡因少。阿姨總會說我媽怎麽可以喝半包,不夠香濃。有時我覺得我媽衹想過一下咖啡癮,喝爽而已。 我前姨丈曾在Tenang經營自家族的kopitiam,每次回家鄉時必定到他店里渡過一個下午。熟悉的老顧客在店裏悠哉地點一杯他們家親手泡的傳統式咖啡,來一個烤白麵包加kaya,或者阿姨拿手的炒麵。他們熟練地一手舀出滾燙的熱水,一手拿著裝咖啡粉的布袋,經熱水和咖啡粉的結合,泡出來的咖啡香醇可口。我最期待咖啡底部那一層厚厚的煉乳,備用的陶瓷小湯匙和一下,喝下去的咖啡極順滑。 中學時期放學后和好友到Mid Valley逛街,初嘗外國品牌-Gloria Jean's Coffee和The Coffee Bean的fancy咖啡。說fancy是因爲我不知道咖啡可以加一層whipped cream(whipped cream不常出現在亞洲食譜里)。那些ice blended系列的咖啡好甜,就像另一種甜品般。一杯這樣咖啡當然不便宜,對於學生身份的我來說,偶爾點一杯已算奢侈了。 來到美國后,發現差不多走在路上的人都手持一杯咖啡。Dunkin Donut隨處可見;Scranton downtown有一家大學生們常溜達、念書、聊天的 Northern Light (也是我第一次和曜倫見面的地點),甚至於連最小一家加油站都可以購買一杯咖啡。美國人離不開咖啡,我絕對支持這一點。 以前住在host parent家里,John會煮一壺Starbucks的dark Sumatra,然後帶去上班。Anja是不怎麽喝咖啡的,所以我就喝剩下的咖啡。慢慢地我覺得這樣的黑咖啡有著它强烈的個性,無需糖或奶精的襯托,卻散發著獨特的香味。可是我不會操作那咖啡機(我也不想學……有host parent的好處……),所以每次衹能等John有煮才能喝。偶爾Susan和Lee過來過夜是我最期待的事,因爲代表隔天早上就有一壺剛煮好的咖啡。早晨伴著咖啡香味蘇醒是一件幸福的事。 Jian是很愛享受咖啡的咖啡狂,我們在NYC見面時還特地走了好久,就爲了找一家在網上推薦的 Cafe Grumpy 。他帶來了一包ground好的咖啡粉。那咖啡的氣味實在很重,他...