
Showing posts from April, 2015

牛肉碎皮蛋粥 Mince Beef and Century Egg Congee

粥、粥、粥!我的最愛! 老實説來到這裏住都快把粥給遺忘了,因爲這裏沒有廣東人(這是事實嗎?),西方化的華人餐廳沒賣粥的。除了偶爾去唐人街吃點心時會點一小碗皮蛋粥過一過粥癮。 好久之前在唐人街的商店買了一盒皮蛋,放置一段時間(皮蛋有沒有臭掉的一天呢?還是永遠保存得好好地?),想説試下煮皮蛋粥吧。吃粥最主要的是粥要夠細綿,煮得稀爛才是王道。本來是要配炸花生的,基於懶的原因下就選用普通的花生。 **話説某天我回到家發現老公竟然獨自把粥給吃完了,我氣得哭了。我指控他怎麽有人可以獨吞全部,這麽大鍋粥我祗吃過一次而已。誰知道他捧腹大笑說從來沒看過爲了粥而哭的人。當時我真的很汗顔 (-。-;)……我是認真的,鄭曜倫!** Ingredients 1 C uncooked Jasmine rice (any rice will do) 1 T olive oil pinch of salt 13 C water 12 oz mince ground beef 1 egg white 3 t water 2 t corn starch 2 t olive oil salt and pepper, to taste 2 t sesame oil 4 century eggs, chopped coarsely 3 green onions, chopped 1 T peanuts white pepper powder, to taste soy sauce, to taste Directions Wash the rice and drain off the water. Add the 1 T of oil and salt to the rice and let it sit for 20 minutes. Place a large pot with water on high heat. Once it started to boil, add in the rice and reduced the heat to medium. Continue to cook until the rice started thicken, which takes about 1 and half hour. Ma...

Roasted Cinnamon Pineapple

我說黃梨,曜倫說鳳梨,到底誰對誰錯? 在老家,媽媽都會買一整顆鳳梨然後切塊放好在冰箱給我們吃。所以可以說我切鳳梨的經驗指數是一(呃,我好像有切過一顆,不過記憶告訴我不是很棒的經驗)。來到這裏沒有媽媽,也沒有路邊攤的水果檔口,要吃鳳梨就要自己來。Grocery shop有是有得賣切好的,價錢比較貴就是了。 如果你在巴西餐廳里吃Rodizio,大吃一頓豐盛的烤肉后,最後侍者必定端出烤得熱乎乎香甜的鳳梨。鳳梨的外表被一層cinnamon裹住,吃起來很是舒服。這樣的吃法對於我來說是很新鮮。 除了烤好直接吃,也可以加上冰淇淋(我用椰子口味的冰淇淋),一冷一熱,非常棒的結合! Ingredients 1 pineapple, cut 2 T brown sugar 1 T vegetable oil 1/2 t cinnamon Directions Preheat oven to 450 degree. Line a baking sheet with aluminium foil. Toss together pineapple, brown sugar, vegetable oil, and cinnamon in a mixing bowl. Place them on the sheet. Roast for 15-20 minutes, until golden. Enjoy!

Spicy Tuna Patties

What can you do with canned tuna other than used them as tuna sandwich? I like this idea of making tuna into a patty and fried them. 3 cans of tuna make 11 patties. I serve them as a side with a salad. They're pretty delicious with the taste of fish sauce. You can also double the recipe and make a bunch of them and eat it as main dish. Ingredients 3 cans 6 oz white tuna, drained 1 jalapeno, sliced 5 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 t grated fresh ginger 3 green onions, chopped 1 bunch of cilantro, finely chopped 1 1/2 T fish sauce 1 T Siracha 2 eggs 4 T oil for frying Directions Drained 3 cans of tuna and put it in a mixing bowl. Add in sliced jalapeno, garlic, ginger, green onions, and cilantro. Then drizzle with fish sauce and Siracha (you can adjust the measure of Siracha depends on your likeness of spicy). Use a fork to mix till there is no visible big chunk of tuna. In another small bowl, whisk the 2 eggs and add it to the tuna. Mix it all well. Scooped the t...

Feta Basil Balsamic Pasta

I haven't have cold pasta for a long time. Can't even recall when I had it. The thing with cold pasta is you can eat them straight out the fridge without having to reheat them. That's the perk. This is quite a quick recipe for cold pasta. It can be prepare within 15 minutes time. Suitable for a quick lunch or weekday dinner. The balsamic vinegar and basil really do add flavor to the pasta. Ingredients 1 lb farfalle pasta 1/2 pint grape tomatoes, cut into half 1 can sliced black olive 2 oz feta cheese 8 basil leaves, finely chop 1/4 C balsamic vinegar 1/2 t dried oregano salt and pepper, to taste Directions Cook the pasta according to directions. Cut tomatoes, black olives in the meantime. Drain the pasta and let it cool down by running under cold water before adding other ingredients. Mix in the pasta with tomatoes, black olives, feta cheese, basil leaves, balsamic vinegar, and dried oregano. You can add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

Slow Cooker Caramelized Pork Udon Soup

中午臨上班前把豬肉放入慢鍋里悶煮七到八小時,晚上回到家傳來陣陣香味。當下嘗到熱乎乎的湯頭立刻帶我進入熟悉的唐人街,極具華人口味的湯頭。一顆半熟蛋和麵的搭配簡直是畫龍點睛,每次都要留到最後快吃完才把它給吞下,是我最愛的環節。 Ingredients 3 lbs pork shoulder roast 4 C reduced sodium chicken broth 1/4 C soy sauce 1/4 C rice vinegar 2 T fish sauc 2 T Thai red curry paste 1 T fresh ginger 1 T Siracha juice of 1 lemon 1 T Chinese five spice 1 t black pepper 2 T sesame oil 1/4 C brown sugar 2 C sliced baby belle mushrooms 1 pack of Udon noodles 4 soft boiled eggs, for serving sliced jalapeno, cilantro, green onion, for serving Directions Add the pork to slow cooker. Pour the chicken broth, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and fish sauce over the pork. Add the curry paste, ginger, Siracha, juice of 1 lemon, Chinese five spice, black pepper, and brown sugar. Cover the slow cooker and cook on low for 7-8 hours. Remove the pork from slow cooker and add the mushrooms. Cover the slow cooker and turn the heat up to high. Lightly shred the pork with fork or hands. Heat a large skillet ove...


經過多重test and try, 加上無數小時流連于Pinterest網站,我漸漸摸索出鍾情的室内設計。這也讓我瞭解尋找自我是件蠻花血汗錢及精力的事情。 好幾個周末花時間整頓家(老公跟我嚴重聲明衹要保留他珍貴的讀書小角落,其他我要怎樣換一概不管……他對於我的執著其實是很無言的……哈哈 =p),想要實行minimalist lifestyle(這裏并不是指家具或室内設計的minimalist……我沒那麽多錢啦……),也就是把不需要用的東西給捐掉或收藏起來。我整理出好幾袋不再用/穿的衣服、文具、書本等,狠下心腸,統統捐給Salvation Army。像一些漂亮時髦的衣服則賣給Plato Closet,賺些小錢也好。 話説回來,爲了簡單化家裏的家具擺設,我想要一張能當飯桌、放電視、小型工作桌的多功能桌子。我們利用曜倫之前做桌子後來被拆掉剩下的木條當桌面,到Home Depot買各種長度的鋼管當桌腳。這桌子的好處是未來想要調整高度,可以自行買不同長度的鋼管。 拼凑木條 你可以看到木條的邊緣并不是很整齊,但我們沒有什麽工具,所以就無所謂。 鑽釘子 Home Depot幫我們把1x3給切好,用來鞏固木頭與木頭的接縫。 接鋼管 把鋼管給接好后,我們分別把桌面和桌腳抬上樓,在家裏鑽好。房東Ed提醒我們要放felt在腳底部,防止刮花地磚。 BAM!!! 整個過程算蠻簡單的(你可以看以上的照片大部分都是老公在做,呵呵!),麻煩的是後來我需要把粘在鋼管的貼紙給一一清掉(non-acetone nail polish是好幫手),外觀比較好看。 現在我們總算可以坐下來一起吃飯了!=)